We are proud to partner with Jigsaw – The National Centre for Youth Mental Health. Through this partnership, we have pledged to raise €2.5 million by partnership end in 2024 and grow national awareness for youth mental health.
Mental health can affect every aspect of a young person’s life. We believe every young person must have the support that’s right for them, whatever they are going through. We all need be there to support young people with their mental health, but we also need to ensure we look after our own mental health, because we cannot support others if we are not support yourselves.
Lidl are supporting Jigsaw, and Jigsaw support us all to find ways to support our mental health, so we can be there to support our young people. Visit www.Jigsaw.ie to explore the range of services and supports available for young people, their parents, family members, friends, teachers, coaches and colleagues. Their services range from phone support live chat, video call support, email support, group chats, online supportive content, webinars, plus, much, much more.
Since 2016, Lidl has brought #SeriousSupport to the Ladies Gaelic Football Association and its members on a local and national level by investing over €6million. During this time, there has been a 73% increase in underage playing numbers and we have seen a shift in attitudes towards the game with support rising to an all-time high and multiple attendance records broken. And yet a significant gap still exists between ladies Gaelic footballers and their male counterparts at all levels of the game…
So it gave us great pleasure to sign a four-year contract extension in January 2022 that will take the partnership through to the conclusion of the 2025 season and mark a decade of #SeriousSupport, representing an investment of €10 million overall. As part of the new contract and our renewed effort to Level The Playing Field, we have committed to focusing on further progress in three main areas: Investment, Attendance, Participation.
We are delighted to be the official fresh food partner of Parkrun.
Parkrun is a free-of-charge, family friendly, community event held in parks and open spaces around the world every weekend.
Our new three-year partnership will see us support parkrun as they continue to encourage the public to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle by offering all of its customers fresh, nutritious produce at affordable prices.
As part of our partnership, we will provide exclusive coupons and free products to parkrunners and volunteers every week via Lidl Plus. These unique coupon codes will be communicated via the Parkrun newsletter on a weekly basis.
Over the course of the partnership, our team envisage to attend every single Parkrun location in Ireland to distribute our fresh fruit, refreshments and our exclusive Lidl x Parkrun t-shirts.
The Lidl Farm offers schoolchildren an opportunity to learn how everyday produce gets from Farm-to-Fork.
Using land at our Regional Distribution Centre in Newbridge, County Kildare, and supported by Agri Aware, Lidl has turned over eight acres of land into a free educational farm experience which primary school children from 2nd to 6th Class can enjoy and explore.
Young visitors can tour the specially designed farm where they will learn, through an educational program designed by Agri Aware, how we source local produce, how crops grow and then they will get practical demonstrations of how a farm works.
In addition, tours of the our Regional Distribution Centre are offered, which provide the children with some insight into how our retail supply chain works, and how the products we eat and drink everyday get from the farm onto the shelves in your local Lidl store.
As part of our A Better Tomorrow sustainability strategy, we have developed targets to offer our customers the best product range for a healthy, more sustainable lifestyle. Our activities are based on three pillars: Healthy Nutrition, Sustainable Nutrition and Transparency and Empowerment.
Aware of our customer’s wellbeing, we published a health and nutrition policy outlining our strategy for reducing the sugar and salt content in our own-brand products in response to “Healthy Ireland” – an Irish government led initiative.
Sugar: We will reduce the added sugar content in own brand products by 20% by the end of 2020, focusing primarily on foods that are popular with and consumed by children. Food categories such as breakfast cereals, spreads, sauces and sweet confectionery will be a major focus. We will be reviewing approximately 350 own brand products in order to reach this sugar target.
Salt: We will reduce the salt content of own-brand products in line with the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) 2017 salt targets by the end of 2020. The reduction of salt first focuses on food categories that are consumed on a regular basis and generally make up a large share of the daily salt intake including; ready meals, soups, pizzas, crisps, cakes and meat products. Over 500 of Lidl Ireland’s own brand products will be reviewed to reach this salt target.
We are also enhancing our product range and adapting it to address alternative diets such as vegan options and catering for intolerances such as lactose or gluten. For more details on our health and nutrition targets as well as our quality and safety processes please download the Health and Nutrition Policy.