At Lidl, we have developed a bespoke, ‘Supplier Engagement Programme’, to help support our suppliers reduce their environmental impact, improve the resource efficiency and grow their sustainable sourcing practises, throughout their operations and supply chain. This 5-year collaborative program aims to support suppliers in developing long term sustainability goals and making positive progress on specific areas such as climate, packaging innovation etc. Launched in 2020, we are currently working with 4 suppliers across our primary product areas, to set S.M.A.R.T. goals, improve their climate impact and in turn, helping them to grow their future business sustainably. These selected suppliers meet with us quarterly to share progress, challenges and learnings. To support them on this journey we provide workshops, on site experts and resources to help streamline their approach and support the development of their own internal framework. We also evaluate their progress and share regular feedback and insights. As part of this programme, we are collaborating with external stakeholders such as Bord Bia’s Origin Green, Teagasc, The Carbon Trust and Bord Iascaigh Mhara, to add their credibility and expertise in shaping the projects with their suppliers.